What Is The Paleo Diet?

Paleolithic man

One of the more popular diets to come along in recent years is the Paleolithic, or Paleo diet. This diet plan was created by Loren Cordain and is based on his research about what our ancestors ate. The diet offers a “back to nature” approach that has dieters eliminate many of the foods that are common in today’s diet.

The Paleolithic Way of Living and Eating

The Paleo diet is based on eating the way our ancestors, who were hunters and gatherers, ate. The author’s research has shown that, for example, grains were not part of a human’s diet until the agricultural revolution, which happened about 10,000 years ago.

His research has shown that by going back to the way our ancestors ate before the agricultural revolution, we can not only manage our weight, but also reduce our risk of many serious diseases, like cancer, obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Foods You Should Eat On The Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet encourages eating lean protein, most vegetables, nuts, fruits and eggs. Small amounts of honey, dried fruit and natural oils are also allowed. There is no need to count calories or carbohydrates.

The essence of the paleo diet is to eat reasonable portions of the allowed foods and completely forego those foods that are not allowed on the paleo diet.

Foods You Should Avoid on the Paleolithic Diet

Avoid legumes
Avoid legumes

Grains, legumes and dairy products are forbidden on the paleo diet.

In addition, you should severely limit potatoes, as, according to the diet, the potatoes we eat today are significantly higher in carbohydrates than those of our ancestors.

You must also eliminate all processed foods from your diet, along with sugar, salt, coffee and alcohol.

Will I Lose Weight On The Paleo Diet?

Most people will have no trouble losing weight on the Paleo diet. Because all grains are eliminated, the diet is pretty low in carbohydrates. However, because fruit and vegetables can be eaten in unlimited portions, it may seem somewhat less restrictive than other low carbohydrate diets.

Because of the elimination of dairy products and grains, many people find this diet to be too restrictive to stay on for the long haul. It can make it very difficult to eat out in restaurants, for example.

Benefits of The Paleo Diet

However, the paleo diet is healthy. You can easily get enough carbohydrates from the unlimited fruits and vegetables you will eat. The protein is lean and oils are limited, so weight loss is sure to occur.

As you eliminate salt and sugar from your diet, your taste buds will change and you will enjoy the natural flavors of fruits and vegetables more, and you will lose your cravings for carbohydrates and sugar over time. Once these cravings disappear, you will find sticking to the paleo diet much easier.

In addition to helping you lose weight, the paleo diet can be very beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease and many other diseases. The paleo diet’s focus on eliminating processed foods, sugar and salt make it a very healthy alternative.

Paleolithic man

More Paleo Diet Tips

About Tony Rogers 173 Articles
I have a keen interest in fitness and nutritional topics. I like to know which are the very best foods I can consume to help me reach optimal health. I also believe in the healing power that foods can provide us with, and that by eating a diet which is both balanced and rich in essential nutrients, we can fully experience optimal health.

1 Comment

  1. Paleo diet is healthy. You can easily get enough carbohydrates from the unlimited fruits and vegetables you will eat. The protein is lean and oils are limited, so weight loss is sure to occur.

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