Around the world, more people are changing their eating habits and taking up the Paleolithic or Paleo Diet program. The move towards Paleo is not all that surprising given the combination of so many people who need to lose weight and become healthier.
This is because so much of the food that is consumed today is processed which means added fats, sugars, and other unhealthy ingredients that work against your health and wellbeing.
What is the Paleolithic Diet?
This is a program that is based on the diet of humans before farming was developed. For many thousands of years, humans were nomadic and formed small clans or tribes that roamed the Earth eating the natural foods that were present around them.
Although they suffered from exposure to the elements which resulted in a high mortality rate among their infants and young children, those who made it into their adult years were likely to survive a long time and in good health.
The introduction of farming where specific crops were grown changed the type of food that people had been consuming for so many years. Although farming has been around for roughly 10,000 years, the human body is still geared towards the diet that our Paleolithic ancestors consumed.
The Best Food to Eat for the Paleo Diet
Here are the top 10 foods to each if you chose the Paleolithic Diet. Remember that all the foods you consume need to be unprocessed so that they are free of unwanted sugars, fats, and materials.
1) Grass Fed Meats
Eating meat that is from animals that are grain fed means you are not getting all the negative materials that work against your body such as GMOs. Grass fed meats are safe, healthy, and taste great which means that you can use them in a wide variety of recipes. In addition, grass fed meat offers a number of nutrients that are good for the body.
2) Fowl
Chicken, pheasant, duck, and other fowl also make for good Paleo meals as they are lean, low in fat, and provide plenty of protein. These are the types of meats that go great with salads or standing on their own. Plus, if you are trying to lose weight they make the perfect dish of good proteins that are low in fats.
3) Fresh Vegetables
It should not be surprising that vegetables are on the list of the best Paleo foods. Vegetables provide many vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy and strong.
Plus, many fresh vegetables have plenty of fiber as well which helps to keep your weight manageable. In addition, you can consume a healthy portion of vegetables, particularly the leafy green variety, and not gain weight because of it.
4) Fresh Fruits
Fruits are very healthy, too. They provide a number of vitamins and minerals, particularly Vitamin C from the citrus fruits that keep your immune system strong. Even more than vegetables, many fruits have lots of fiber which helps lower the number of calories that your body would otherwise absorb.
Keep in mind that while many fruits like strawberries for example have sugar, the fiber content is such that much of it does not get absorbed into the body.
5) Fish
Fresh or salt-water fish offer plenty of benefits for the body, particularly when it comes to the inclusion of Omega-3 fatty acids that protect the heart and circulatory system. Fish is low in fat and provides plenty of protein which makes it the perfect dish. For those who are considering losing excess fat, adding more fish to the diet like salmon for example offers many benefits.
6) Seafood
This includes shrimp, crab, and other marine life in the sea. Like fish, many seafood dishes contain Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for the heart and contain lots of high quality protein as well. Keep in mind that seafood does contain a high salt content so you’ll want to eat in moderation.
7) Organic Free-Range Eggs
Along with lean meats like chicken, eggs offer many benefits from good proteins and fats that build muscle and provide the energy you need in the morning to get going. While there has been concern over the cholesterol count of eggs, when consumed in moderation along with a healthy diet of fiber the effect is minimal. So, go ahead and have an egg or two for breakfast!
8) Nuts
Nuts are an excellent source of protein, good fats, and minerals which makes them a great snack. In fact, consuming a handful of nuts either before or after a workout will provide you with more energy and muscle-building material.
Keep in mind that the amount of fat means that you should only consume a handful or two of nuts per day, but they make the perfect snack when you need a boost of energy.
9) Seeds
In addition to nuts, seeds also offer plenty of benefits and work well with nuts in terms of snacking. Many people on the Paleo Diet carry with them a bag of seeds for a quick snack in-between meals that provides a real boost.
Be sure to get seeds that have not been salted so that you get all the natural benefits without the issues that salt provides.
10) Oils from Natural Sources
There are many oils that you can use to cook your food such as the following;
- Olive Oil
- Flaxseed
- Macadamia
- Coconut
- Avocado
- Walnut
Each of these oils are healthy and provide plenty of good nutrients that will help augment the taste of the food you cook. However, keep in mind that many of these oils, particularly coconut and walnut have lots of fats. While the fat content makes them a good oil for cooking, they should be used in moderation when preparing meals.
The Paleo Diet allows you to consume a number of different foods and make them part of your plan to lose weight and become healthier. Remember to eat in moderation and mix and match the foods so that you can have something new and delicious every day.
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