Though many people diet to get very thin, the weight we should all really be aiming for is that healthy weight for height.
This is the weight that your body should be at based on your age and your height. Though this weight is usually something a bit higher than the model thinness we see in magazines, it’s a healthy weight for our body type.
The ideal weight for your height and age takes into account the expected muscle mass at a given age, along with your height.
The weight for height chart is also separated by gender, since many typically have more muscle mass, and therefore should weigh more, than women. Using your weight for height chart as a guide is a good way to determine your ideal weight.
Women: The Ideal Weight For Height Chart
Men: The Ideal Weight For Height Chart
These weight for height charts are based on the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company tables.
Considerations to Take Into Account
These weight for height charts are designed for people aged 25-59. However, as we get older they may be a little less accurate, since it is not unusual for people to lose muscle mass as they age.
In addition, these charts may be unrealistic for anyone who is extremely muscular. Since muscle weighs more than fat, a very muscular person may weigh more than the recommended weight for height chart indicates, but still may be very fit and not overweight.
Also Use The BMI Calculator To Determine Your Ideal Weight
BMI Calculator
Another great way to determine your ideal weight is to use a BMI calculator rather than a weight for height chart. The BMI calculator may give a better indication of how much fat you’re carrying. However, these calculators may be somewhat inaccurate for very muscular people as well.
Tools like the weight for height chart and the BMI calculator are great for helping you get a good idea of how much you should weigh.
But, it’s also important to remember that each body is different, and that the correct weight can actually be a fairly individual number based on many factors.
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