5 Detox Diets For Losing Weight

Large sweet potato

Detox diets have become extremely popular. Touted by many celebrities as a quick way to lose weight and detoxify the body, they have now made their way to mainstream dieters.

Though there is no scientific evidence to suggest that our bodies benefit from detox diets, they are one way to lose weight quickly.

If you just need to drop 5-10 pounds to get into your skinny jeans, detox diets may be able to help. Here are five of the most popular detox diets for weight loss.


1. The Master Cleanse Detox Diet

Lemons required on the lemon detox diet
Lemons required on the lemon detox diet

The Master Cleanse Diet is one of the most popular detox diets out there. Though no celebrity has officially endorsed it, it is said to have been used by Beyonce and other celebrities to lose weight quickly.

On this diet, you consume salt water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and natural maple syrup for two weeks. The idea is that the salt water flushes the colon, the lemon juice dissolves waste, the cayenne pepper dissolves mucous and the maple syrup gives you energy.

2. The Martha’s Vineyard Detox Diet

Eat pure fruit and vegetable juices
Eat pure fruit and vegetable juices

This detox diet promises to help you lose 21 pounds in 21 days. You eat only specialized fruit and vegetable liquids, along with a few specially prescribed solids for 21 days. You also take supplements. This combination is designed to cleanse your body and help you lose weight.

3. The Raw Food Detox Diet

Consume only raw uncooked foods
Consume only raw uncooked foods

The raw food detox diet is based on the premise that all we need to cleanse and detoxify our bodies is to eat fruits and vegetables in their raw state. So, you will not cook any of your foods while on this diet.

You also will not eat meat or dairy products. The diet allows raw fruits, raw vegetables, seeds, grains and nuts. You drink water, fruit juices and coconut milk.

4. The Liver Cleansing Detox Diet

You will need to drink plenty of water
You will need to drink plenty of water

Of all the detox diets, this one allows the most sensible eating and the widest variety of foods. You eat mostly vegetables and fruits, but you are also allowed fish and poultry. You drink lots of water and eat healthy fats like avocados and fish. This detox diet lasts for eight weeks, and is the healthiest of all the detox diets. It is said to cleanse the liver, which should, in turn, help you lose weight.

5. Hallelujah Detox Diet

Hallelujah Detox Diet Plan
Hallelujah Detox Diet Plan

This detox diet, created by a minister, purports that we should only be eating foods that are raw or living. It is much like the raw foods diet, and no meat or dairy are allowed.

You essentially eat raw fruits and vegetables along with supplements for this diet. There is virtually no protein and very few calories. If you decide to pursue a detox diet, do so with caution. Many of them are extremely calorie deficient, and can cause your immune system to weaken and your body to go into starvation mode.

Many are also protein deficient, which can make you tired and lethargic, and can cause you to have difficulty concentrating. Before you consider a detox diet, be sure you are in good health and have no medical issues.

About Tony Rogers 173 Articles
I have a keen interest in fitness and nutritional topics. I like to know which are the very best foods I can consume to help me reach optimal health. I also believe in the healing power that foods can provide us with, and that by eating a diet which is both balanced and rich in essential nutrients, we can fully experience optimal health.

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