The Health and Weight Loss Benefits From Consuming Greek Yoghurt

Bowl of Greek Yoghurt
Bowl of Greek Yoghurt

As more and more people start making positive changes to their daily diet, one food that they’re adding into their menu more often is Greek yoghurt. This food has some very clear health and weight loss benefits that you should know about, so if you aren’t already adding it in, you need to pay attention to the following advice.

Let’s have a look at why Greek yoghurt is a must in your diet plan.

How Greek yoghurt assists with natural weight loss

First off, let’s look at why this food assists with the process of weight loss. First, it’s a very high protein food, meaning it’s going to really help ensure that you meet your daily protein requirements.

Protein rich foods are imperative to success because not only are they going to preserve your lean muscle mass so you maintain more strength and a higher metabolic rate, but simply eating protein rich foods boosts your metabolic rate as well.

In addition to this, Greek yoghurt is also very high in calcium content and it’s been shown that calcium intake correlates with faster abdominal fat loss, so if getting a slimmer midsection is a goal of yours, this is one mineral you don’t want to fall short in.

Finally, this food is also much lower in added sugars than many other fruit flavoured regular yoghurt’s are, making it much more supportive of steady blood glucose levels.

When you take in so much sugar from other yoghurt choices, there is a good chance that they’ll leave you feeling hungry for more food a half an hour later.

The many health benefits of Greek yoghurt

From a health point of view, Greek yoghurt offers many benefits here as well. First, due to that high calcium content it will help to support strong bones and reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis.

In addition to that, it’s also going to help to help promote a healthy intestinal system as it contains healthy bacteria that live inside the gut. This can help to reduce the risk of diarrhoea and help to also lower the chances of yeast infections in women.

Finally, the calcium will also help to prevent cramping in the muscle tissues.

Tips for adding Greek yoghurt to your daily diet

So if you’ve decided that it’s time to start adding more of this food to your diet, how should you go about doing so?

Consider mixing together some Greek yoghurt with some fresh berries and granola for a quick parfait on the go. Or, you could also choose to serve it on top of some pasta with tomato sauce for a creamy taste to this dish.

Some people prefer adding this yoghurt into their shakes as well for an instant boost in protein that doesn’t require protein powder.

All in all, there are a number of different ways that you can eat Greek yoghurt and with all the benefits that it has to offer, it’s one food that you definitely cannot miss out on.

About Tony Rogers 173 Articles
I have a keen interest in fitness and nutritional topics. I like to know which are the very best foods I can consume to help me reach optimal health. I also believe in the healing power that foods can provide us with, and that by eating a diet which is both balanced and rich in essential nutrients, we can fully experience optimal health.

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