Sweet Potatoes – The Deliciously, Healthy Weight Loss Food

Several Large Sweet Potatoes
The healthy, great tasting and nutritious sweet potato

Choosing the right foods for our weight loss diet is just as important as counting calories. We now know that all calories are not equal in terms of how they make you feel full or in terms of how they fuel your body. Choosing the right foods, like sweet potatoes, can help you lose more weight more quickly, more easily and in a healthier way.

How Sweet potatoes can help you reduce your overall calorie intake

Other than at Thanksgiving, sweet potatoes are not all that regularly consumed as part of the normal diet. But, sweet potatoes are actually one of the best foods you can eat – and they can be a dieter’s best friend.

Sweet potatoes are very high in fiber, which makes them keep you feeling full for longer. High fiber foods like sweet potatoes have been shown to help people reduce their overall calorie intake, just because they feel fuller.

Sweet potatoes also have a very low glycemic index, which means that they don’t raise your blood sugar the way other foods might. Keeping blood sugar stable prevents the production of insulin. Fat is more easily stored when insulin is present. In addition, insulin also makes you feel hungry, so you’re more likely to overeat.

Another benefit of sweet potatoes is that they’re very high in anti-oxidants, making them an incredibly healthy choice for anyone’s diet.

The Simple Sweet Potato Contains The Following:

  • Almost half the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin C
  • 10% Daily Iron
  • 8% Thiamine
  • 6% Calcium
  • Vitamin B6 – which helps reduce your risk of stroke
  • Vitamin A
  • Potassium

Why the sweet potato can be the perfect addition your weight loss program

Sweet potatoes have one additional added benefit over many other traditional high fiber diet foods: their sweet taste. Sweet potatoes can be a very satisfying food for the dieter who has worked to eliminate sweets from their diet.

Sweet potatoes have a naturally creamy texture, as well, which also helps satisfy a sweet tooth. Adding a few toasted pecans or some brown sugar to mashed sweet potatoes creates a great dessert. You can also make them savory in flavor by adding salt and pepper, or even a little chili powder for a change from their traditional sweet preparation.

Sweet potatoes are simple to prepare, too. Simply bake them in the oven for a great alternative to a traditional baked potato. Or, peel and boil them to make mashed potatoes. Finally, you can make baked sweet potato fries by cutting them into strips, tossing them lightly in olive oil and baking them in the oven.


You really can’t go wrong by making sweet potatoes a regular part of your diet. They are delicious, nutritious and great for keeping you feeling full. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or not: sweet potatoes are definitely not just for Thanksgiving.

About Tony Rogers 173 Articles
I have a keen interest in fitness and nutritional topics. I like to know which are the very best foods I can consume to help me reach optimal health. I also believe in the healing power that foods can provide us with, and that by eating a diet which is both balanced and rich in essential nutrients, we can fully experience optimal health.

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