How Does The Naturopathic Diet Work?

Though dieting has been around forever, it seems that recently several new diets, among them the Naturopathic diet, have really become popular.

The Naturopathic diet has been in the news quite a bit recently, though many people still have not heard of it, and many more do not understand it.

Use The Body’s Own Ability To Heal Itself

Naturopathy emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself and to minimize interference with the healing process. So, from a weight loss standpoint, a Naturopathic diet seeks to first determine why you’re overweight, and then helps your body heal yourself from this condition naturally.

Though we think of people being overweight simply because of lack of control, the truth is that obesity often has many underlying health reasons.

So, on a Naturopathic Diet, a patient would first be tested for problems like insulin resistance and low thyroid to rule out or treat these issues that can so severely impact your weight loss. The goal of a Naturopathic Diet is to cure what made you fat and help you lose weight, so that the weight does not come back.

After addressing the physical issues, a Naturopathic Diet will also address other issues regarding overeating. For example, if the person is eating a lot of high fat and high sugar foods, it’s important to address how those foods make the person feel, and why they’re seeking to eat them.

Many people eat for comfort, to relieve stress, or even out of boredom or loneliness. In addition, many people have lots of toxins in their bodies that make them hold onto weight, even when they are eating well. These issues must also be addressed at their core when undertaking a Naturopathic Diet.

Benefits of The Naturopathic Diet

The biggest benefit of a Naturopathic Diet is that rather than simply following a food plan for a specific period of time so that you can lose weight, with this diet, you actually attack the underlying causes of being overweight.

You may lose weight more slowly this way than with some other diets, but you’re much more likely to keep the weight off – and cure your obesity problem.

Plenty of vegetables should be consumed when on the Naturopathic Diet
Plenty of vegetables should be consumed when on the Naturopathic Diet

Foods Included In The Naturopathic Diet

You do not count calories on a Naturopathic Diet, but you eat only the foods on the list.

These include all natural foods, with no processed foods.

Example of Foods From The Naturopathic Diet:

  • Oats
  • Muesli
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, raw or steamed, boiled or baked
  • Steamed Rice
  • Dried Fruits Seeds and Nuts
  • Whole Wheat Pancakes

Once a month, you will fast, drinking only liquids. The allowed liquids on fasting days include cucumber juice and coconut water.

If you’re interested in a Naturopathic Diet to lose weight, talk with a holistic practitioner who can help you work with the root causes of your obesity and help you put together a specific food plan that will work for you.

About Tony Rogers 173 Articles
I have a keen interest in fitness and nutritional topics. I like to know which are the very best foods I can consume to help me reach optimal health. I also believe in the healing power that foods can provide us with, and that by eating a diet which is both balanced and rich in essential nutrients, we can fully experience optimal health.

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